You should work with JuzSolutions if you need: a different or complementary skill set, want to scale quickly, want to expand your capability and need Subject Matter Experts, need temporary expertise; looking to partner with a SDVOSB or MBE; looking for results.


Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes, such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and skills. Although your position as a manager, supervisor, lead, etc. gives you the authority to accomplish certain tasks and objectives in the organization, this power does not make you a leader…it simply makes you the boss.

Leadership differs in that it makes the followers want to achieve high goals, rather than simply bossing people around. Today’s business environment has a mix of generations in the workforce, do you need to understand who you are dealing with? Have you explored the forces that influence people? As business leader we have faced the same issues, let us help you with our lessons learned.


Wendy Capland, MCC |
CEO-Vision Quest Consulting

I have worked with Dane and his management team in two companies in my role as an external leadership coach and consultant. Dane is a pleasure to work with on many levels. He is a strong senior-level leader, reporting directly to the President and on the senior executive team of both companies in which we worked. His business acumen is strategic and visionary and his interpersonal, business, and people management skills outstanding, one of the best I’ve seen in 20 years.

Scott Harris VP of Services at Egenera

Dane represents the qualities I look for when evaluating the strength of a company’s senior management. He makes efficient decisions, collecting the required facts from his staff, evaluating risk, and then acting quickly. He holds himself and his staff personally responsible promoting accountability throughout his organization. He was a solid coach lending me his experience when pertinent but never let that get to the point of making decisions for me.

Dan Ross CEO Promisec LLC

Dane Donaldson worked with me for two years while at PictureTel. He was my customer services VP for the Americas, responsible for hundreds of customers representing 600 million in revenue. Dane’s consistent high standard of professionalism was a huge contribution to our success at PictureTel. He was both keen on listening to customer’s true issues, finding fast and effective solutions to their requests and providing a voice of the customer at our executive meetings.


    We share the risk and if we don’t deliver what we say, Don’t pay us.



    Dane decided to start JuzSolutions because of a strong belief that companies in today’s business environment are losing the meaning of Service Excellence. Dane founded JuzSolutions on the principal, you want to make a difference, Service first “Think Like a Customer”.



    Damon decided to join JuzSolutions and apply his sales and operational expertise as a solutions provider to help grow the company. Damon is a results-oriented bottom line driven individual. Among his accomplishments to date, he has increased sales by 50%, raised the average earnings of the sales team by 60%, raised the overall business by 17% as well as expanded internet sales by over 400%.


    Certified in
    Pennsylvania MBE, SBE, SDVOSB D-U-N-S # 080116814 MWAA Certified
    Florida MBE, SDVOSB NAICS # 611430 Pennsylvania Small Business # 532609-2018-02-SB
    Maryland MBE, SDVOSB SIC CODES 8742, 0000, 8748 0000, 8748, 0400 , 7361 0102, 7379, 0200 SAM UEI JBP4KHKNPZK3